Service to Humankind is Service to God.

Privacy and Policy

NTR MEMORIAL TRUST is committed to protecting your privacy and the information that you provide to us or that we collect. This policy discusses the type of information we collect, how we use it, whether we share it with others, what you can do to limit our use of it and how you can correct the information or have it deleted. Please read this policy carefully before using our web site. This policy applies to NTR MEMORIAL TRUST only and not to any other persons, organizations or entities linked to or included on the web site (referred to as “third parties”).

Information we collect from you

You may visit and use NTR MEMORIAL TRUST at anytime that the web site is operational. The submission of personal information is not required to use the general features of the web site. Personal information, which you provide to us on a voluntary basis, we request your name, city, state/providence and country of residence, zip code, email address, gender and date of birth.

Information we collect from other sources

We also collect information about you, which we obtain whenever you visit our web site. We do this through using “cookies”. Cookies are electronic identifiers, which we attach to your computer through your browser, that allow us to recognize you once you log on the web site. As a result of this improved recognition, we can simplify your experience and make your use of the web site much more convenient. For example, cookies help us provide you with customized information, which you select, without having to request it every time. Cookies also allow you to have a one-time log in per session for areas that require registration (i.e., you won’t have to continually enter your user name and password). Cookies also help us determine what our visitors are interested in. The cookie does not collect personal information, nor does it combine the information obtained with personal information. Also, once you sign off our web site the cookie disengages. It does not track where you go on the Internet unless you are on our web site. Some of the third parties linked to or included on our web site may use cookies. We have no control over their usage.
We may also collect certain technical information, which does not allow us to identify you personally, but pertains to your use of the Internet. For example, we can determine what type of browser you are using to access the site and thus give you optimized pages. This information is primarily for site management purposes and may be used to diagnose problems, follow user movement over the web site, determine and analyze user trends, collect aggregate data, identifying referring web site addresses, etc.

How we use the information

We will use the information that you submit or we collect, in aggregate form, to improve the site and your overall user experience. “Aggregate”, in this context, means in bulk, exclusive of specific personal information like name, city, state/province, country, zip code, e-mail address, etc. Also, if we offer extra services, which are optional during registration, and we ask you for additional information, which you provide, then we will use your name and e-mail address to provide the services. For example, by “I want to receive additional information about NTR MEMORIAL TRUST via email” option, we use your name and e-mail address to forward the requested information to you.

What information do we share or disclose

We will not sell, trade, rent or lease your personal information to other companies, except as otherwise provided herein. We may, however, share aggregate information with the third parties linked to or included on our web site. And we may notify you, from time to time, of information from a third party which we believe would be of interest to you. However, no personal information will be provided to the third party.
We will share or disclose your personal information with others if

  1. you consent to such disclosure;
  2. you request something from us which requires us to provide the information in order to comply with your request;
  3. a person, organization or entity that does work on our behalf needs the information in order to do the work, but only if the information is not used for other purposes and it is kept confidential and not retained after the work has been completed;
  4. in compliance with any legal or administrative process, including subpoenas and court orders;
  5. to enforce or apply this policy or any other agreement; or
  6. to protect the rights or property of NTR MEMORIAL TRUST and/or the personal safety of its employees, users or others.

Limiting our use to the information and editing, correcting or deleting it.

You can chose not to provide some or all of the personal information initially requested from you.
Another means of limiting our use to information is by rejecting cookies. This applies to our cookies and ones which third parties use on our web site. Most browsers are set up to accept cookies automatically, unless you indicate otherwise. If you choose to reject the cookie you may do so and still use the web site, but your access to and use of certain areas of the web site may be limited.
All information provided or collected is retained in our archives for historical purposes, for a period of time, even though it is no longer available on our active user files.


If you use e-mail, or other public online services and disclose personal or private information about yourself, others may collect, store and use that information. NTR MEMORIAL TRUST urges you to be careful in sharing personal information publicly, especially your name, address, telephone number and other information which an online user could use for illegal or harmful purposes.
Although we employ measures to protect your privacy, we cannot guarantee that your information will be secure against unauthorized intruders in every instance. In addition, because internet communications can be intercepted by third parties during transmission, we cannot ensure the security of your information as it is being transmitted to us.

Notification of Changes

NTR MEMORIAL TRUST may amend this privacy policy at any time. If we do so, we will post the changes on this page, with the change, the future effective date and the word “Amended” prominently displayed, so that you are always aware of the type of information we collect, how we use it, whether we share it with or disclose it to others, what you can do to limit our use of it and how you can correct the information or have it deleted. By continuing to use NTR MEMORIAL TRUST after receiving notice of the changes you are agreeing to accept those changes. The use, sharing and disclosure of information, whenever submitted or collected, shall be subject solely to the privacy policy in effect at the time such use, sharing or disclosure occurs.


