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Surprising Health Benefits of Donating Blood

A single blood donation can save three lives. One blood donation provides different blood components that can help up to three different people who require blood. A single unit of blood can be separated into three different components such as red blood cells, plasma and platelets. Despite advanced medical and technological practices, blood cannot be manufactured, so blood donation is the only way we can give blood to those who require it.

But what are the health benefits to the blood donor? You might be surprised to learn that you get more than a sense of pride. While blood donors don’t expect to be rewarded for the act of kindness, rolling up your sleeve comes with some surprising benefits. Here’s what you can get when you give blood:

1. Boosts the immune system

Donating blood helps to improve the immunity of the body by rejuvenating the entire system. With every blood donation, the red blood cells can recycle themselves, promoting the production of newer and healthier red blood cells. The way this happens is – while donating blood, the body has less oxygen and the bone marrow sends the signals to pump the generation of new blood cells.

2. Reduces Iron Overload

Regular blood donation is an effective way to reduce extra iron levels in our body. The major Health benefit is the blood donation includes a reduced risk of hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is a special health condition that arises because of the excessive absorption of iron by the body. This may occur due to taking alcohol, anaemia or other disorders. Regular blood donation may help decreases the iron overload levels in the body.

3. Replenishes Your Blood Cells

When you donate blood, your body goes into overdrive producing new blood cells to replenish what you’ve given. That’s because your bone marrow gets a message that your oxygen’s levels are lower (due to the loss of red blood cells), so your body pumps up the generation of blood cells in the bone marrow.

4. Lowers risk of Heart Attacks

Blood donation is good for your heart’s  health.  Blood donors are 88% less likely to have a heart attack than those who don’t give blood. This may be linked to the reduction of iron and because donating helps increase blood flow, making it less damaging to vessels. This is simply because when someone gives blood, iron is being removed from their system, which can significantly decrease the risk of heart disease.

5. Lower you’re Cancer Risk –

Blood donation has also been shown to lower the rate of cancer. The process of drawing out blood which is also referred to as phlebotomy is a great iron-balancing method. This process helps to lower the risk of cancer and mortality.  We can prevent these types of cancers from blood donation include colon, liver, lung, oesophagus, and stomach.

6. Burns Calories – helps lose weight

Giving blood can give your weight loss goals a boost—you can burn about 650 calories every time you donate blood. Another very important benefit of blood donation is the fact that it helps in the burning of fat and losing weight. A single blood donation can help to shed almost 650 calories, which is equivalent to jumping rope for 50 minutes.

Each time blood is donated, the body takes this much calorie effort to replenish itself with blood. This is the reason, why a regular donor is asked to donate only once in 56 days or so. Moreover, it also helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body and contain the artery-clogging accumulation of fatty acids.

7. Keeps Your Liver Healthy-Improves liver health

Even though donating blood benefits the entire body, it particularly has a positive impact on liver health. Recently, there has been a considerable rise in non-alcoholic fatty liver issues, which has been linked to excessive levels of iron. Also, Hepatitis C and other liver diseases and infections are linked to blood impurity. Though there are several other contributing factors, yet donating blood can significantly help remove iron stores and avoid the build-up of extra tissues in the liver.

8. Reveals Potential Health Issues – Blood donors are screened for a host of ailments including anaemia, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and others.

When someone donates the blood, they get a free health check-up. Blood donors receive a mini-physical report about two important factors in maintaining health and are told about their blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels; if the doctor observes a patient’s levels are high, they will let the patient treated.

The health benefits of donating blood are considerable—but of course, the most important part of blood donation is helping to save lives. Donating blood is good for you, and it’s even better for all the people who desperately need help and it helps you to complete your social responsibilities.

Donate blood, stay healthy and save lives!

By Comments off March 9, 2021