Service to Humankind is Service to God.

Medical Camp at Machilipatnam

NTR Trust organized a one day free medical camp at Machilipatnam in collaboration with Kammineni Hospitals on 20 September, 2015. The health camp was organized with the objective of providing free medical examination/ general check -up, ECG. Th event started with registrations of public. Kammineni Hospitals Doctors and technicians kindly volunteered to contribute towards achieving the following objectives:
1. Measurement of pulse, blood pressure, height, weight & BMI.2. Blood sugar monitoring to screen diabetes.3. ECG
Around 1000 public were benefited through this camp and NTR Trust distributed medicines on free basis.

Distribution of free medicines to public

News Coverage by Eenadu on 21.09.2015

News Coverage by Andhra Jyothi on 21.09.2015

By NO Comment September 21, 2015

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